Hooghly Women's College
Affiliated to Burdwan University


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Rules & Regulations




Students of Hooghly Women’s College are expected to uphold and maintain a fair code of conduct which encompasses the principles of excellence, respect, equity and accountability. The Principal’s decision on all matters of the college shall be binding on all students at all times. Abiding to instructions issued by the Principal is compulsory and students shall obey it and violation of such instructions shall lead to disciplinary action.



Students must possess and wear their identity card all the time in the college campus. Students shall be denied entry in case of loss of identity card. Loss of Identity card is to be reported to College office immediately. A duplicate Identity card to be issued after payment of prescribed amount. Students of the college are expected to come to college in modest and decent attire. As the College promotes the idea of Plastic Free Campus, the students shall not litter the campus with plastic, paper or any other waste. Such wastes should be deposited in dustbins located at various places in the campus.



Hooghly Women’s College follows a strict academic discipline. Students must attend all theoretical and practical classes as per the time table on all working days.
In pursuit of academic excellence, academic integrity is to be maintained by all students. Students are asked to refrain from providing false information or alter records of academic performance. Students must maintain the attendance criteria for appearing in end semester examinations as per the directives of University of Burdwan and college authorities. Absence from attending classes should be intimated to the Departmental Head.It is the duty of the students to take due care of college properties. Causing damage to college properties, scribbling on furniture, drawing on walls, destroying laboratory equipments is not only a punishable offence and at the same time requires monetary compensation by students. Students must go through notices put up on the college notice board and college website properly and act upon the instructions. Students should visit the library for academic purpose and follow the library rules during the visit. Students are encouraged to participate in various college activities like sports, cultural events, seminars and workshops and contribute towards its success.


Misbehaviour, misconduct towards any teacher or college staff by any student is likely to be dealt with strict disciplinary action. Ragging in any form is strictly rohibited in the college campus. A student, if found guilty of such acts, shall be punished by authority. The College has a Grievance Redressal Committee and Internal Complaint Committee. Students are advised to approach Convenor of these committees for help in this regard. Complaints can be made in online and offline mode. Forming any association, organizing any meeting or collecting donations for any purpose without the permission of the Principal is strictly prohibited.



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Hooghly Women's College
1, Vivekananda Road, Pipulpati
P.O. & Dist. Hooghly - 712103.
Ph. No : 91-33-26805033 (Office)
Fax No : 91-33-26802335


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(C) Hooghly Women's College