Hooghly Women's College
Affiliated to Burdwan University


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From The Principal's Desk

Hooghly Women’s College is one of the most renowned age-old college and the first women’s college in the district of Hooghly.Dr. Sumita Bajpai A very benevolent initiative of the Christian Missionaries spurred by desire and determination turned to be fruitful when on 1st August, 1941, they set up a tiny study centre with two small rooms called the ‘Mission House’, on the plain area of river Ganga in Chuchura.

Time rolled on and finally in 1951 and 1952, thefoundation stone was laid by His Excellency, Dr. Kailash Nath Katju and the main building was inaugurated by Dr. Bidhan Chandra Ray respectively. Since then, it is a narrative of development, flourish and flowering for the institution. The institution has been marching forward and catering higher education to the young ladies of the area and beyond. Overcoming all challenges in its path, its forward march remains uninterrupted; gaining strength and maturity in the process.

Standing on the auspicious Platinum Jubilee year, we feel proud of the illustrious and glorious history of Hooghly Women’s College. Today the institution boasts 9 departments in Humanities and 8 departments in Science continuously striving to upgrade the students through the teaching-learning process and other facilities that the institution offers.

In the academic field, we follow the curriculum prescribed by the affiliating University, The University of Burdwan and proactively take pains in helping the students to get exposed to cross-cutting issues as permitted by the curricular framework including topics on professional skill development, Equal Opportunity Cell and its programmes, psychological counselling, career counselling among other things. All the science departments are equipped with adequate instruments in the laboratories. There is a central library which abounds in rare and good books besides reading room facility and seminar library for each department.

The college is proud to have a whole set of dedicated faculty members ensuring expertise and quality education across disciplines. We believe in fostering experiential learning and student-centric approaches. As part of our commitment to supporting our students; the college provides a host of scholarships and memorial awards to students. We take pride in fact that quite a number of our students secure placements or progress to higher education, reflecting their readiness for entering the professional world. Our institution has taken great initiative and the faculties have duly prepared themselves for the implementation of NEP-2020, and we are committed to becoming a holistic multidisciplinary establishment, striving for excellence in all domains.

I extend my gratitude to the entire Hooghly Women’s College community for their unwavering support and dedication. Together, we will continue to make decisive strides towards realizing our ambitious plans and goals that will further propel Hooghly Women’s College to a new height in the days to come.


Dr. Sima Banerjee


Hooghly Women’s College


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Hooghly Women's College
1, Vivekananda Road, Pipulpati
P.O. & Dist. Hooghly - 712103.
Ph. No : 91-33-26805033 (Office)
Fax No : 91-33-26802335


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